Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Story So Far

     For those of you who were unable to play in the last session, here is a rundown of what has occurred so far:
     The Acolytes were all made to wait in a large room at the Inquisitorial HQ to meet the Inquisitor they would be working for. He made them wait for several hours, during which time most of the acolytes positioned themselves about the room in a paranoid fashion as if they fear that a band of minotaurs might burst in and attack them at any time. One of them might have peed in a corner, but that has not been confirmed.
     The inquisitor arrived flanked by creepy hunched figures wearing hoods that obscured their faces, and briskly walked past the acolytes barely pausing long enough to give them his name (Sebastian Marque) and their assignment on a data slate. The Cleric acolyte tried to be polite and offer a hand shake but the Inquisitor just brushed past and left.
     The Acolytes glanced at the data slate which stated their assignment was to investigate possible warp activity at the sight of a newly built cathedral in the settlement of Stern's Hope on Iocanthos with one of the Inquistor's own cadre members, a psyker named Aristachus.
     The Acolytes boarded the star ship Brazen Sky and headed for Iocanthos. Immediately the cleric decided to start singing some hymns to the Emperor, but sadly sounded more like a grox with it's hoof stuck in the mud. During the flight they met a pale greasy fellow who offered his assistance in making their trip more pleasant, and the Scum immediately tried to find a way to rob him. Another acolyte tried to assist by distracting the fellow, but stuttered and stammered so much that it just made him nervous and so he left.
     When it was time to make planetfall on Iocanthos the acolytes were offered sedatives to make the drop less distressing. The Scum immediately snatched one, but saved it for later. The Techpriest took one as well, but like the Scum hid it in his robes. The only other acolyte to take the offered pill was the Cleric who just slipped it to the Scum, who seemed like he just really liked drugs I guess.
     Everyone accept the Arbites violently vomited on themselves and each other during the drop to the surface. The Techpriest actually ended up passed out and had to be carried out of the dropship after landing and given an IV of saline solution.
      The acolytes quickly aggravated the local bureaucrat who greeted them, but were met by a servitor requesting that they follow it to Aristachus. During the journey through the crowded streets they were confronted by a naked disheveled man who was spouting some nonsense about a king of crows and pity the poor fools. The Guardsman tried to step in front of the crazy man as he started to leave which bothered some local blue faced youths who jumped the party and tried to punch them in their faces. The party responded by hitting the youths with axes, and staffs mostly. The Scum shot one, and the Psyker wracked one with pain from using her mind. Several of the youths were badly wounded but no one died and the local police showed up and dragged the youths off. The police would have dragged the scum off for shooting guns off in the street but the Arbites convinced them that it had been the youths that had fired the shot.
      The Acolytes eventually met up with Aristachus who was polite and kind to them and told them they would need to head out on a two day journey through the desert to the Cathedral location and would leave in the morning. The Techpriest was able to perform the sacred rites of the machine spirit and get Aristachus's truck started and the party headed out into the desert.
      Then my dog got sick and we had to call it early. We'll pick up again next week heading into the desert.

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